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Our Mission


Being a Kerin Poll client is more than just buying our rams, and we aim to add value to your business in any way we can. Some of these ways are highlighted in our annual review, a benchmark publication which is NOT your average Merino genetics newsletter. You will really get your head around how we think once you delve into the Kerin Poll reviews.

Kerin Poll Review

The Kerin Poll brand is in high demand in the sheep industry and selling for a premium. Kerin Poll Connect is a unique service that we offer to clients to further strengthen our client relationship.

Kerin Poll Connect

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Sires and Sales

Our sheep - not your average Merino

We don’t drive a car with wind-up windows and no power steering, and we have embraced changes in motor vehicle technology. We should have the same attitude to sheep breeding.

550 auction rams

The auction starts 1pm, Friday 24th of September 2021

Rams will be penned and ready for inspection from 6:30am auction starts 1pm, Sale will be interfaced with auctions-plus and Morning tea and lunch will be provided.

Due to covid safety and catering we ask that you please rsvp below for our annual ram sale.


The Australian Ag Podcast​

Nigel Kerin and James Wagstaff sit down to discuss the opportunities for the sheep sector despite deflated commercial returns. Ian Arney, from the Millewa district of northwest Victoria, leans in 'Over the Fence' to talk about the opportunities for harvest 2023 in a low-rainfall environment.


​NeXtgen Agri 

In this episode we cover the principles that Nigel uses to manage the enterprises and the importance of external influences in turning good businesses into great businesses


​Marcus Oldham AgTalk

Nigel chats to us about his key learnings he has had in creating a successful agricultural business. What are the key drivers you need to get right to make money in this industry?


​FFN 'Mentor of the Month'

​Episode 18 of the FFN's 'Mentor of the Month' see's director Tim Flynn catch-up with Nigel Kerin. Nigel is a prominent figure in the Australian agriculture industry and has developed amazing set of communication and leadership skills to compliment his extensive agricultural knowledge.


​Marcus Oldham AgTalk 2022

​Episode 2 of the 3rd season:  Nigel chats to us about his key learnings he has had in creating a successful agricultural business and why success can be a very poor teacher.

Listen to Nigel Kerin share some of the Kerin Poll stories on these podcasts

It is such an exciting time to be involved with the Merino sheep industry.

Those who are brave enough to move away from traditional ways and open their minds to what is possible can expect great rewards. Sometimes it’s difficult to see where you are going unless you take the time to step away and have an objective look at your business, as well as interact with others who are successful.

“Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.” 

- Stephen Hawking -



On-Property Ram Sale

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